Trend #3: Advisors are unprepared for the $80+ trillion transfer of wealth

Are you ready? The investment advisory industry on the whole is not prepared to take on the twin challenges of a massive transfer of wealth and a wave of advisor retirements.

Are you ready? The investment advisory industry on the whole is not prepared to take on the twin challenges of a massive transfer of wealth and a wave of advisor retirements.

Advisors who did not cultivate relationships with the next generation of investors will watch the assets they managed for years get dispersed among new advisors. The cost of effectively meeting the servicing expectations of the rising investors who choose to remain may prove prohibitive, considering the smaller size of their accounts.

Additionally, a mass exit of retiring advisors will stretch investor relationships beyond the breaking point leaving many clients scrambling to find new representation.

Download Trend #3, “Advisors are unprepared for the $80+ trillion transfer of wealth,” to learn more.


Explore 4 major trends top advisory firms are racing to address and the risks of being left behind in the post-pandemic era:

Download trend #3 of our "Advisor Evolution or Extinction: 4 Major Post-Pandemic Trends" series.


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